10 Best Tips to Increase Followers to Your LinkedIn Page.

Roshan Polekar
6 min readMar 9, 2022

Tips From a Professional Digital Marketer

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The way to increase your followers is to create a strategy for it. It is not enough to just add a few new connections now and then and hope that you will get more LinkedIn followers in the process. With a few simple steps, you can make sure that you are getting more LinkedIn followers every month.

Here are some simple steps on how to get more followers on LinkedIn:

  1. Create an effective profile: People need to know who you are before they follow you on LinkedIn, so be sure that your profile is filled out completely and that it reveals who you are and what type of work you do. Also, be sure that you have a professional picture attached to your profile because people want someone they can trust on their network and will not follow someone with a blurry picture or one where the person is wearing pyjamas in bed.
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2. Showcase your experience: One of the best ways to acquire new clients or customers is to show off your experience. This is especially true on LinkedIn, where people are looking to connect with others who have knowledge or experience that they can use. Make sure that you include all of your work experience including any volunteer work you have done in your profile and then when you are connecting with new people, be sure to mention any connections that you have in common.

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3. Share information: When people follow you on LinkedIn, it is because they want to know more about your products or services or just learn more about what you do for a living. That is why it is so important that when someone follows you, they get an update from you immediately letting them know who you are and letting them know what type of person they will get if they connect with you. Also, be sure that when someone does connect with you and asks a question, answer it right away and show how much knowledge and expertise you have in the field.

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4. Join topical conversations with hashtags: On LinkedIn, you can join many different groups and conversations that people are having around topics that you are interested in. This is a great way to build your credibility and expertise because people are already talking about the type of information that you want to provide. Just make sure that you join conversations in a way that shows how much knowledge and experience you have, so people will be more likely to choose you over someone else when they need the information.

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5. Build your network: This is probably the most important step to building your business on LinkedIn. When someone follows or connects with you, make sure that they do not go unnoticed by sending them a message thanking them for following you or connecting with you and then asking them if there is anything that they would like for you to know about their business or industry. This will lead to them telling you something about their business which will start conversations between the two of you which could lead to new clients for your company if they need your services in the future.

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6. Post content to your Page regularly: LinkedIn pages are a great way to build your brand and get your business in front of the people with who you want to do business. If you want to use your page as a way to attract new clients, then make sure that you post content every day. You can post status updates, photos, videos and even links to articles that are relevant to your industry.

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7. Adjust your content based on your Page analytics: LinkedIn analytics will allow you to see which types of posts work best on your Page and which ones don’t. This will give you the information that you need to know about what content your audience likes and what they don’t like. You can use this information to make changes to your Page so that you can drive more traffic and get more business from LinkedIn.

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8. Optimize your LinkedIn profile: The next step in building a successful LinkedIn page is optimizing your profile. Once you have completed the previous steps, then it is time for you to optimize the profile page so that it can help you attract new clients and increase sales for your company. You should start by filling out all of the information in your profile, making sure that it is accurate and professional, including a picture of yourself as well as links to any social media sites that are related to your business or industry.

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9. Encourage users to share and like your content: One of the best ways to grow your LinkedIn page is by encouraging users to share and like your content. This will help you attract more people to your page, which will increase engagement and drive more traffic.

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10. Add a Call to Action: LinkedIn allows you to add a Call To Action button that will encourage users to visit other parts of your website or business such as an event, product or service. The Call To Action button is located in the top right corner of the page, just below the title bar and can be customized with the text that you choose.

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Bonus Tip

Post a Poll: LinkedIn allows you to post polls to your page, which is another great way for you to get more engagement and drive traffic to your business. These polls are located right under the “Other” section of the right-hand sidebar and can be customized with the poll question and up to four answers that you choose. Once you post this, it will appear on your page and in the news feed of anyone who is following your page.

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I hope you have enjoyed this article and that it has helped you to understand how to increase your followers on Linkedin. I also hope that it has given you some great ideas as to how to use LinkedIn for your business. If you feel that this article was helpful, then please leave a comment and let me know what you think of it.

Thank You!

